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Have you watched every season of the Great British Baking Show and thought, "I could TOTALLY do that"? Or are you a casual cake baker looking to up your decorating game? Whether you're a baking newbie or a seasoned pro, Cake Classes by Flour Petal Bakery offers classes from beginner to advanced that will help you learn how to create beautiful cake and cupcake designs!

They offer a variety of classes at multiple locations across Houston and Dallas. Some of their classes focus on floral cupcakes, shag cakes, pressed floral heart cakes, and more! We attended one of their cupcake decorating and bath bomb classes in Sugar Land, TX.

During this class, our amazing instructor and owner of the bakery, Courtney, led us through the piping techniques she uses to make all sorts of different designs when frosting her cupcakes.

We learned how to make 3 types of florals and decorated bath bombs, and they didn’t turn out too bad if we do say so ourselves. 💁‍♀️ Not to mention, we got to take home a dozen mini cupcakes and four bath bombs that we personally decorated to enjoy at home!

One of the best parts of these classes is that we got to do it all while enjoying wine and charcuterie! I really think I would’ve learned more in college if the classes came with cheese boards, is all I’m saying. 😂

Courtney and her team were super friendly and knowledgeable, packing the class with fun and creativity!

Our class was more geared toward beginners. However, if you’re an experienced baker who wants to improve your decorating skills, they offer advanced classes as well!

If you’re looking for a fun idea for a girls' day, date night, or even a party, we definitely recommend checking this class out. I mean, what night isn’t immediately made better with cake? Plus, you can really flex the next time you need to bring baked goods to a gathering.

Tickets start at $55 and include all supplies, the cake, and refreshments!

💻 Check out their website for their upcoming events and tickets!

Multiple Locations
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